Friday, October 28, 2011

dream oh dream

shushhh.. you mind-distorted dream

you are not needed right now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

you can't

you can't fight

you can't see

you're afraid of height and almost everything else probably

what are you doing here Sam?

Monday, October 24, 2011


dan di ortho kita bermula

dan di sini juga akan berakhirnya

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

tahun 4 tahun

dan hari isnin ini
bermulalah lembaran baru
bagi mereka-mereka yang menggelar diri mereka
pelajar perubatan tahun 4

dan ada diantara mereka
yang masih terkapai-kapai
di satu titik yang berpusat diminda

dan ada juga dikalangan mereka
yang jauh merantau
mencari arah tuju dan
kononnya membina peradaban sendiri

dan hampir kebanyakan dari mereka
hanya berpura-pura
seolah-olah jauh meninggalkan yang lain
akan tetapi jauh dilubuk hati mereka
mereka tetap insan yang sama
masih berlegar-legar
dalam igauan sendiri.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

medical joke

and here comes the medical joke :

how to pass your 3rd year of medical school without having to sits for the examination?



Tuesday, October 11, 2011


and I think, that the so called new dean is just only the Black Goat of the current episode. There's a greater power behind this culprit act.

and of course, who would it be, rather than the Puppet Master himself.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


and now, you have to live with your choice. It's still not too late you know. Move along or just move on. Or maybe, you've just passed the last-minute line? hah! got-ya!

Friday, October 7, 2011


and you once claimed that you know where this is heading to

and according to you it is a dark path that one should not take

Thursday, October 6, 2011


and we're moving faster than the speed of light, of course in the opposite direction.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

reminder to the livings

and death is the greatest reminder to the livings

every soul shall have the taste of death

Al-Fatihah, this is my sincere gift to you - my uncle.

and how not logic is this?

Yesterday, I was just recalling my childhood moments with you. We used to become allied for the sake of teasing my little sister. You're the kind who don't talk much, but your actions speak louder than words. I know deep down inside, you just love us as much as you love your's.

Receiving phone calls from my parents 1 in the morning. From the moment I saw the caller name, I know that this is not gonna bring any good.

I don't post much, the matter regarding my family; because to me this is the precious things which I should keep to myself. But this one, I just let it through. This is my special tribute to you, my uncle.

and yeah..he's not Steve Jobs

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


dan apabila terlihat akan orang lebih muda dari dirimu berkahwin

maka terdetiklah dihatimu

siapakah gerangan orangnya yang bakal menduduki takhta dihatimu

tatkala itulah tersentak dirimu dari lamunan

yang dirimu hanya akan kekal keseorangan

sehinggalah kau menutup mata


and so House, now you're playing the guilty card?

Monday, October 3, 2011


dan apabila anugerah telah dimenangi

maka segala topeng lakonan pun ditanggalkan

lalu terserlahlah segala perilaku tutur kata tata susilamu

yang melambangkan dirimu yang sebenar

segala kepura-puraanmu hanya sementara

dan dirimu kembali seperti dulu, tidak pernah berubah

masih berlabuh di takuk lama

- clap! clap! Hey, at least you have won the best prize.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


and how to be sure that all the imaginary things only existed in your thought?

Saturday, October 1, 2011


and the art of being a psycho is that you get to express your emotions to the people surrounding you, or even to the public ; because you know why?

because you are a psychopath and you owned the license

the license to stays psycho without getting questioned